javascript - Uncaught TypeError: $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder is not a function -

i'm using data table plugin reorder columns in data table using col-reorder plugin.

var colreorder = new $.fn.datatable.colreorder( table ); var order=colreorder.fnorder(neworder); 

am using data table plugin version(1.9.4) , col reorder version(1.0.8)

$.fn.datatable.colreorder introduced in colreorder 1.1.0! 1.1.0 major release included :

  • colreorder available under $.fn.datatable.colreorder
  • amd module , bower support (datatables-colreorder)
  • the ability set defaults using $.fn.datatable.colreorder.defaults
  • camelcase notation support match datatables 1.10

so upgrade 1.0.8 1.1.0!
working demo, datatables 1.9.4 , colreorder 1.1.0 →

if reason not able upgrade colreorder 1.1.0, or insists on using 1.0.8, add r flag (r colreorder) sdom string :

var table = $('#example').datatable({     sdom: 'rlfrtip' });  

demo →
exact same 1.1.0's new $.fn.datatable.colreorder(table) ...


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