php - Trouble loading SimpleXML object for use in foreach loop : Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() -

i'm trying load simple xml object file using simplexml_load_file(); i've been scraping around internet trying handle on error with subsequent foreach loop.

i'm getting invalid foreach argument error:

warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in c:hosting\bnb\assets\reviews.php on line 2 

if try different php logic handling xml object, can different errors, foreach argument has never shown positive, though var_dump has no trouble loading till end of file.

some other errors have been :

parse error: syntax error, unexpected t_foreach in server_path on line 646  or : warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in server_path on line 648  parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in c:hosting\bnb\index.php on line 658 

php :

<?php $xml = simplexml_load_file('reviews.xml'); ?> <?php foreach ($xml->bnb->review $n_review): ?>                      <ul>                         <li>                         <div class="avatar"><a href="#"><img src="img/svg/audio.svg" alt=""></a></div>                          <div class="comment_right clearfix">                             <div class="comment_info">                                 <a href="#">                                      <?php echo $n_review->location;?></a><span>|</span>                                     <?php echo $n_review->date;?>                              </div>                             <p>                                  <?php echo $n_review->quote; ?>                             </p>                         </div>                         </li>                     </ul> <?php endforeach; ?> 

some people mention not using http (as can blocked server settings), or preparing string memory control abstraction can :

//$feed = file_get_contents('absolute_url'); //$items = simplexml_load_string($feed);     

somebody else mentioned people may have php version doesn't support anonymous functions. ever necessary prepare new array() or new simplexmlelement()

requested edit: xml :

<bnb>       <review>           <quote></quote>           <location></location>           <date></date>       </review>       <review>           <quote></quote>           <location></location>           <date></date>       </review>   </bnb>   

1. $xmlokay?

if var_dump($xml) giving this:

object(simplexmlelement)#1 (1) { ... 

then have loaded xml $xml.

2. incorrect path in foreach statement:

$xml representing root node <bnb>. statement $xml->bnb->reviewtranslates /bnb/bnb/review, doesn't exist in xml , hence error-message.

here's right path:

foreach ($xml->review $n_review) {      // (...) } 

see in action:


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