wso2 bps how to fix bug in ode-dao-jpa-1.3.5-wso2v12.jar -

i make code change in ode-dao-jpa-1.3.5-wso2v12.jar, create new folder under patches, , put ode-dao-jpa-1.3.5-wso2v12.jar new folder patches\patch0006. in patches.log, found applied. in runtime, found changes doesn't take effect. there other places should do?

[2016-01-21 15:12:23,829]  info {org.wso2.carbon.server.util.patchutils} -  applying - patch0006 [2016-01-21 15:12:23,844]  info {org.wso2.carbon.server.util.patchutils} -  patched ode-dao-jpa-1.3.5-wso2v12.jar(md5:59f72bd01ea57109c8f97235027291b3) 

steps took patch ode-dao-jpa library wrong. in wso2 bps, create single ode osgi bundle combining ode's sub projects.

this osgi bundle need put in patch folder.

1) check /repository/components/plugins/ode_1.3.5_wso2vx.jar

for bps 3.5.0 should 1.3.5-wso2v15.

2) checkout correct version following locations.

or ( check tag v1.3.5-wso2vx )

3) fix in ode-dao-jpa. , build entire ode project.

4) if working in git, can find new ode single osgi bundle in folder.

4.b) if working in svn location, build correct version in following location.

5) copy ode-1.3.5-wso2vx.jar jar patch folder.


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