c# - Datetime throwing model state is invalid for date posted to Web API (EF Backed) -

this error getting submissions follow specific "pattern" per logging

2016-01-21 01:05:01.5879 error model state invalid, throw bad request. model state: {   "tbl_externalcontacts.last_password_change": {     "value": null,     "errors": [       {         "exception": null,         "errormessage": "the value '19/05/2009 15:17:35' not valid last_password_change."       }     ]   } } 

i'm submitting numerous things api , it's occurring when first value in date goes on 12. should point out i'm in uk, our date format dd/mm/yyyy.

how tell asp.net validate dates sent in model in format valid processed?


 public static void main()  {   string[] datevalues = { "30-12-2011", "12-30-2011",                            "30-12-11", "12-30-11" };   string pattern = "mm-dd-yy";   datetime parseddate;    foreach (var datevalue in datevalues) {      if (datetime.tryparseexact(datevalue, pattern, null,                                 datetimestyles.none, out parseddate))         console.writeline("converted '{0}' {1:d}.",                            datevalue, parseddate);      else         console.writeline("unable convert '{0}' date , time.",                            datevalue);   } } 

source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8kb3ddd4(v=vs.110).aspx


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