python - Pass an Object through Django Forms -

i'm trying pass object through form, not working me. in models, subscription model has customer model reference, , time want create or update subscription, need include customer associated it.

class subscription(stripeobject):      sub_user        = models.foreignkey(customer)     creation_date   = models.datetimefield(auto_now_add=true) 

in view, getting need, , in template, trying pass customer object view 1 of form input fields.

def profile(request):     user = request.user.get_full_name()     menu_group = recipes.objects.filter(today=true).order_by('-price')     apartments = apartment.objects.order_by('apartment')     plans = plan.objects.order_by('amount')      try:         customer = customer.objects.get(user=user)     except customer.doesnotexist:         customer = customer(stripe_id=user, user=user, account_balance=0, currency="usd")         customer = customer.objects.get(user=user)      try:         subscription = subscription.objects.get(sub_user=customer)     except subscription.doesnotexist:         subscription = none      try:         charge_id = subscribe.objects.get(user=user)     except subscribe.doesnotexist:         charge_id = none      if request.method == "post":         form = addsubscription(          if form.is_valid(): # charges card             if subscription none:                        return httpresponseredirect('/subscription/charge/')              elif subscription.sub_change(form.cleaned_data['weekly_plan']):                        subscription.checked_out = true                 return httpresponseredirect('/profile/')              else:                        subscription.checked_out = false                 return httpresponseredirect('/subscription/charge/')         else:             return httpresponseredirect('/profile/error/')      else:         form = addsubscription()     return render_to_response("profile.html", {'customer': customer, 'menu_group_list': menu_group, 'subscription': subscription, 'charge_id': charge_id, 'apartments': apartments, 'plans': plans}, context_instance=requestcontext(request)) 

template: profile.html

{% cus=customer %} <input type="hidden" id="sub_user" name="sub_user" value="{{cus}}"> {% endwith %} 


class addsubscription(forms.modelform):      sub_user = forms.modelchoicefield(queryset=customer.objects.none())      class meta:         model = subscription         fields = ['sub_user']      def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):         super(addsubscription, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) 

the form apparently not valid. i've tried using modelchoicefield, did not work, , can confirm both subscription , customer objects i'm working exist. ideas? has seen problem before? how can pass foreignkey customer object through form?

you're passing python object template, django attempts render html , pass in http post. however, neither html nor http have knowledge of customer object is; you'd string representation of object.

you fix passing customer id instead, there absolutely no point. don't need pass customer , form @ all; request when instantiate form on get, can same on post.


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