vb.net - Load all my.settings to textboxes in Visual Basic -

i trying load saved my.settings textboxes unable retrieve saved values. here code

dim ctrl control     each ctrl in me.controls         if (ctrl.gettype() gettype(textbox))             dim txt textbox = ctype(ctrl, textbox)             integer = 1 20                 txt.text = my.settings("fp" & i)             next         end if     next 

what proper way it?thanks

generally when reference value stored in settings along lines of ;

my.settings.<name of setting> 

my.settings has item property takes settings propertyname (as string ) parameter allowing either set or relevant value.

so start try following;

dim ctrl control     each ctrl in me.controls         if (ctrl.gettype() gettype(textbox))             dim txt textbox = ctype(ctrl, textbox)             integer = 1 20                 txt.text = my.settings.item("fp" & i.tostring)             next         end if     next 


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