standalone sdk manager in Android Studio -

tools => android => sdk manager open sdk manager, , check "show package details" see the list of installed , not installed components.

i try find "sample" folder under individual android version, unable find "sample" component. upset because want install gesture builder inside "sample" folder.

by accident, click "launch standalone sdk" launch screen looks similar sdk manager on eclipse, , find sample folder.

anyone can tell me reason unable find sample folder on opened sdk manager (there 3 tabs: sdk platforms, sdk tools , sdk update sites)


you need download samples particular sdk you're targeting. furthermore, samples change sdk sdk.

so first find out sdk, did gestures builder sample come from, , download samples sdk.

after that, use android studio wizard create project sample. sure target same sdk (you can change target sdk later, once have sample).

using android studio best way it. there no need go folder , things manually.

actually, gesturesbuilder seems old, it's api level 4 (android 1.6). no wonder have trouble finding it. suggestion not bother , try find more recent project example directly


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