ios - Xcode 7 is using my framework after I deleted it -

i'm in process of developing framework. problem changes make framework not being reflected in app. app seems linked original framework created , isn't updating when update framework. when delete framework project, xcode still seems think it's there.

created separate xcode project intending make app uses framework. copied root folder of framework project app project root folder , drag , dropped .xcodeproj app's xcode project. added framework nested xcode project in each of following steps:

  1. build phases>link binary libraries
  2. build phases>target dependencies
  3. general>embedded binaries

i tried removing framework each of these locations.
tried cleaning framework project , app project.
tried deleting derived data in app project , framework project in window>projects
tried using previous version of app project doesn't contain framework in way (not in xcode project or root folder)

the ghost of framework continues haunt project! help?

i suppose must have tried deleting build phases well... in case though:

  1. go build phases -> link binary libraries
  2. select 1 want remove, press minus button down there.

do modules: in debug, release.

you can try deleting older framework , emptying trash on safer side.


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