python - How to write to a csv file on the local file system using PySpark -

i have code writing csv file on local filesystem error - ioerror: [errno 2] no such file or directory: 'file:///folder1/folder2/output.csv'

columns = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] data1 = row: [row[i].encode("utf-8") in columns]) data1_tuple =  open("file:///folder1/folder2/output.csv", "w") fw:     writer = csv.writer(fw, delimiter = ';')     (r1, r2) in izip(data1_tuple.tolocaliterator(), labelsandpredictions.tolocaliterator()):         writer.writerow(r1 + r2[1:2]) 

on local filesystem following directory exists - /folder1/folder2/. why throwing error , how can write csv file on local filesytem @ specific directory?

path argument open

either string or bytes object giving pathname (absolute or relative current working directory) of file opened or integer file descriptor of file wrapped

not uri. means code should follows:

with open("/folder1/folder2/output.csv", "w") fw:     writer = csv.writer(fw, delimiter = ';')     ... 


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