How do I retrieve data from database? (SAPUI5) -

the graph shown want achieve (i hard-coded values)

in database, status has 1 of 3 possible category values: pending, available , completed

this think logic is:

  • delivery request (count(reqid))
  • fulfilled (status= completed)
  • notfulfilled (status=pending + available)

enter image description here

i want retrieve values database , have. now, can display bar indicates delivery request. (however 2 lines not showing.)

enter image description here

the following section of code xml file:

    <mvc:view              controllername "sap.ui.urbanlogi.backoffice.controller.linechart"             xmlns = "sap.m"             xmlns:core = "sap.ui.core"             xmlns:form="sap.ui.layout.form"             xmlns:mvc = "sap.ui.core.mvc"             xmlns:l= "sap.ui.layout"             displayblock = "true" >              <app>                 <page title = "total delivery request">                          <panel id = "idlinechart"></panel>                     <list id='idlist' headertext="selected items" items="{/}">                         <standardlistitem title="status: {status}"                          description=" total number of delivery request: {reqid}" />                     </list>                 </page>             </app>         </mvc:view> 

the following section of code controller:

       sap.ui.controller("sap.ui.urbanlogi.backoffice.controller.linechart", {             oninit: function () {                    this.opage = this.byid("idlinechart");                        var ojsonmodel = new sap.ui.model.json.jsonmodel("");                  ojsonmodel.setdata("", true);                 ojsonmodel.setdata("", true);                  this.opage.setmodel(ojsonmodel);                  var dataset = new{                     dimensions: [{                         axis: 1,                         name: 'date',                         value: "{startdate}"                     }],                     measures: [{                         group: 1,                         name: 'deliveryrequest',                         value: '{reqid}'                     }, {                         group: 2,                         name: 'fulfilled',                         value: '{status}'                     },{                         group: 2,                         name: 'notfulfill',                         value: '{status}'                     }],                     data: {                         path: "/status"                     }                 });                  var combination = new sap.viz.ui5.dualcombination({                     width: "100%",                     height: "400px",                     title: {                         visible: true,                         text: 'delivery request'                     },                     dataset: dataset                 });                     this.opage.addcontent(combination);                },                    onselect: function(oevent) {                     var aselections = oevent.getparameter("data");                     var omodel = this.getview().byid('idlist').getmodel();                     (var = 0; < aselections.length; i++) {                       this._selecteddata.push(aselections[i].data);                     };                     omodel.refresh();                   },                    ondeselect: function(oevent) {                     var aselections = oevent.getparameter("data");                     var omodel = this.getview().byid('idlist').getmodel();                     (var = 0; < aselections.length; i++) {                       (var j = 0; j < omodel.getdata().length; j++) {                         if (omodel.getdata()[j] === aselections[i].data) {                           omodel.getdata().splice(j, 1);                           break;                         }                       };                     };                     omodel.refresh();                  }          }); 

would appreciate if me out here because reason can't :( i'm still pretty new sapui5 , first program i'm building i'm facing lot of errors.


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