phpbb3 - How can I mass edit mysql tables in one field ONLY WHEN another field meets exact requirements? -

a situation looks that: want make mass edit in mysql database phpbb 3. have seen mysql queries here told me how can such mass edit (for example) post_text , change links.

i know can way:

update phpbb_posts set post_text='' post_text ''.

and know change of links

but situation different. want make edit posts meet exact requirements. there simple - want query change posts have specific forum_id field (they belong proper subforum, want see change).

i believe thing helpful many people using different scripts.

thanks in advance!

unless there's complexity requirement can't see here, should able easily.

  update phpbb_posts       set post_text=''     post_text = ''      , forum_id = <<whatever>> 

you should table contents before this. if fat-finger in query, hard recover unless have backup.

you might try

  select *     phpbb_posts     post_text = ''      , forum_id = <<whatever>> 

before run update make sure you're getting right rows.


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