sql - In SSRS Need Optional Union Query or Equivalent -

i've inherited ssrs report doesn't work correctly. report meta report of document management system. fwiw, monthly destruction report -- documents destroyed per retention policy. kicker in application there special "stack_location" values represent content status, e.g. 86/86/86 meaning document checked out not returned. given document can have 1 stack location, or 1 special stack location value.

the basic query returned appropriate documents. original designer, created filter list excluded special values. intended. however, designer apparently assumed these special value exclusions toggled clicking on radio button in options section. this, of course, not work. indeed, whole approach seems off.

i think need default query includes , not in ('86/86/86', '96/96/86'...), somehow optional unions special values. @ sea, however, on how accomplish this.

it seems relatively straight forward if using vb, or c#, write different dynamic queries based on value of radio button. required, however, use ssrs, technology i'm vaguely familiar with.

if can point me in right direction, appreciative.


you can pass radio button's value query, suggested, include in clause , (stacklocation not in ('86/86/86', '96/96/86'...) or @myradiobutton = 'somevalue').


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