Class Loading issue in websphere -

we have production server websphere instance, copied jar (say, c.jar existing in ear , overriden now) ear deployed hot fix. have class a, referring class b in same jar c.jar, , while loading class a, class b unable find , resulting in noclassfounderror. hot deployment in server disabled. however, after restarting server able find b. property missing? why class b not found although present in same jar, after restart able find. also, before copying jar, old c.jar working fine class , class b loaded. using 6.1

when application server start creates class files of application deployed in jvm instance make available in runtime. explore application other classes gets loaded. when deleting/overwriting jar file breaking link , thats reason other classes not find classes there in c.jar. when restart jvm new class files gets loaded in jvm runtime , find available.


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