javascript - Rails 4 - event to run code after a partial is rendered -

i have js.erb file called ajax through controller action. js.erb file renders partial. inside partial data attribute generated based model. need way run code after partial rendered because code using information in data attribute.


  def remove_tag     @item = item.find_by_id(params[:id])     //code remove tag item     respond_to |format|       format.js       @item.reload     end   end 


$("#taglist").html('<%= escape_javascript(render partial: "items/tag_list", locals: {item: @item}) %>'); //the code below needs run after above partial rendered $('#add-tag').rules("add", {   taguniqueness: $('#taglist').data('tag-list').split(', ') }); 


<div id="taglist" data-tag-list="<%= item.all_tags_list %>">   //more html </div> 

the way now, .rules method using html data there before partial updates it.

to convert hashes or arrays ruby javascript can use .to_json json subset of javascript.

$('#add-tag').rules("add", {   taguniqueness: <%= js @badge.all_tags_list.to_json %> }); 


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