user interface - matlab gui becomes unresponsive or partially closes -

i working on matlab gui , after beginner's problems data handling quite satisfied result.

there 1 hiccup: whenever program done running, gui becomes unresponsive , buttons , text elements vanish, can see background.

i have scanned functions thoroughly close all; statements , such, there nothing there.

how return 'clean' gui can put in more data? need put gui in constant while loop?

best wishes chris

you can following:

modify attribute of controls interruptible:

set(handles.figure, 'interruptible','on'); 

create callback function based on pressing determined key combination.

set(keypressfcn, @resume_fcn); 

create callback function solves problem.

function resume_fcn()   if eventdata.key = ...     exit;    end end 

however, consistency of data may lost. in case don't want return 'clean' gui, can type:



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