javascript - How to implement error tracking in a polymer? -

is there way of error tracking in polymer?

problem apparently vulcanize , polybuild processes couldn't provide source-maps (please correct me if i'm wrong). means if catch exception in vulcanized java script code using global window.onerror function not able map , find actual location of error in source files.

any solutions/workarounds highly appreciated.

here idea of done. please provide ideas , solutions aswell. solution not tested.

according polybuild tool same as:

vulcanize --inline-css --inline-scripts --strip-comments index.html | polyclean | crisper --html --js 

the order is:
1) vulcanize produces 1 html formatted file.
2) polyclean uses uglifyjs internaly , perform cleaning
3) crisper used separate uglyfied , minified js html

as far know uglifyjs doesn't work html files input polyclean manually cuts parts of js code', put through uglifyjs , paste (i hope understood correctly how polyclean works). that's why creating of source maps useless in context. idea change order of polyclean , crisper , modify polyclean allow using external options uglifyjs2:

new order:
1) vulcanize produces 1 html formatted file.
2) crisper used separate formatted js html.
3) polyclean uses uglifyjs internaly , perform cleaning (in case need use on both js , html files)

so first have html file , formatted js file , can use uglifyjs2(call polyclean or standalone?) --source-map , --source-map-include-sources options. can keep tracking errors using produced source-map contains formatted copy of js file produced in step #2.


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