node.js - Express.get is getting variable name instead of it's value from AngularJS ui-router -

as mention in title, when send param url using ui-router, , try use express.get(url), :param name instead of it's value.

here code:

angularjs ui-router state:

.state('post', {     url: '/blog/:postid',     templateurl: 'app/views/post.html',     controller: 'postctrl' }) 

angularjs http request

$http.get('/blog/:postid').success(function(data) {     console.log(data);     $scope.singlepost = data; }).catch(function(error) {     console.log(err); }); 

html ui-router url

<h1><a ui-sref="post({ postid: post._id })">{{ post.title }}</a></h1> 

express.get() method

app.get('/blog/:id', function(req, res) {     post.findbyid(, function(err, singlepost){         console.log(singlepost);             if (err) {             console.log(err);         } else {             res.json(singlepost);         }     }); }); 

i following error in console

{ [casterror: cast objectid failed value ":postid" @ path "_id"]   message: 'cast objectid failed value ":postid" @ path "_id"',   name: 'casterror',   kind: 'objectid',   value: ':postid',   path: '_id',   reason: undefined } 

any and/or explanation of why it's happening newbie appreciated. thank you.

i inferring here trying make ajax request angular application inside postctrl controller.

.state('post', {  url: '/blog/:postid',  templateurl: 'app/views/post.html',  controller: function($scope, $stateparams) {     var postid = $stateparams.postid;  } }) 

in controller can make ajax request whatever have received.

var req = {       method: 'post',       url: 'http://localhost:3300/blog',       headers: {        'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'       },       data: $httpparamserializer(postid)     };  ${},function(error){}); 

your complete state be:

.state('post', {  url: '/blog/:postid',  templateurl: 'app/views/post.html',  controller: function($scope, $stateparams) {     var postid = $stateparams.postid;     var req = {       method: 'post',       url: 'http://localhost:3300/blog',       headers: {        'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'       },       data: $httpparamserializer(postid)     };    ${},function(error){});    } }) 

of course need add dependencies $httpparamserializer


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