select _DONE_ report requests from amazon php -

here code select order report amazon using mws feed api.this working fine,but returns _get_orders_data_ type reports,but need reports having status possible php?

here found option reportprocessingstatuslist unable set sdk,how set option?

 $parameters = array (    'merchant' => merchant_id,    'maxcount' => 100  );  $request = new marketplacewebservice_model_getreportrequestlistrequest($parameters);   $typelist = new marketplacewebservice_model_typelist();  $typelist->settype('_get_orders_data_');  $request->setreporttypelist($typelist);  

first, calling getreportrequestlist, part of reports api, not feeds api. can limit results specific report type requesting list this:

$request = new marketplacewebservice_model_getreportrequestlistrequest(array(   "reportprocessingstatuslist.status.1": "_done_" )); 

by way, besides api reference documentation, scratchpad helps lot finding , testing out parameters: (use proper url matches country/region)


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