java - WebAppConfigurationImpl memory leak? -

about every 2-3-4 weeks have restart our development , test server gets outofmemoryerror. there 1 applicaton installed on instance using spring/hibernate. outofmemoryerror occurs while new version of application being installed via jython scripts. goes 20 times, gets outofmemoryerror. have increased max heap size 1gb result was, took more time (or app installation) until memory got full. looking @ dumps heap analyzer found following leak suspect:

leak suspect    672 338 752 bytes (62,84 %) of java heap used 15 instances of java/util/weakhashmap$entry contains 14 instances of following leak suspects: - com/ibm/ws/webcontainer/webapp/webappconfigurationimpl holding 26 033 976 bytes @ 0xc7e5970 - com/ibm/ws/webcontainer/webapp/webappconfigurationimpl holding 26 136 480 bytes @ 0x832e0e8 - com/ibm/ws/webcontainer/webapp/webappconfigurationimpl holding 30 268 008 bytes @ 0x1a6fabb0 - com/ibm/ws/webcontainer/webapp/webappconfigurationimpl holding 26 059 488 bytes @ 0xf1e69e8 - com/ibm/ws/webcontainer/webapp/webappconfigurationimpl holding 26 076 544 bytes @ 0x18b6bd50 - com/ibm/ws/webcontainer/webapp/webappconfigurationimpl holding 26 398 752 bytes @ 0x1fd7ae18 - array of java/lang/ref/reference holding 25 967 856 bytes @ 0x15545cf0 - com/ibm/ws/webcontainer/webapp/webappconfigurationimpl holding 26 400 856 bytes @ 0x2f948228 - com/ibm/ws/webcontainer/webapp/webappconfigurationimpl holding 26 351 608 bytes @ 0x262ac718 - com/ibm/ws/webcontainer/webapp/webappconfigurationimpl holding 26 074 376 bytes @ 0x15382010 - com/ibm/ws/webcontainer/webapp/webappconfigurationimpl holding 26 073 152 bytes @ 0x1350bb60 - array of java/util/hashmap$entry holding 140 723 440 bytes @ 0x1607d88 - com/ibm/ws/webcontainer/webapp/webappconfigurationimpl holding 26 420 688 bytes @ 0x2de7bd60 - com/ibm/ws/webcontainer/webapp/webappconfigurationimpl holding 27 413 768 bytes @ 0x25081e88   installed product ibm websphere application server version      ibm websphere sdk java technology edition (optional) version      

unfortunately haven't found helpful webappconfigurationimpl. has of experienced similar problem? since part of ibm package, should report ibm potential bug?


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