Uncaught syntax error: ) missing after argument list in asp.net mvc application javascript -

i have researched on why "uncaught syntax error: ) missing after argument list" error , went through code throughly, after reading few answers on stack overflow. i've been on more day, yet error still persist. please help.

my code

function openinnewtab(filename) {     var url = @url.action("displaydocuments", new { filename = filename });     var redirectwindow = window.open(url, '_blank');     redirectwindow.location.reload(true);     return false; } 

and calling here in view, im tring tto implement onclick functionality on image when image clicked, opens new window , displays image.

<a onclick="openinnewtab(@filename);"><img title="@filename" src="~/content/images/image.png"></a> 

basically missing single quotes , mixing js variables in razor code, code should -

<a onclick="openinnewtab('@filename');"><img title="@filename" src="~/content/images/image.png"></a> 


   function openinnewtab(filename) {      var url = '@url.action("displaydocuments", new { filename = "tempfilename" })';       // replace templfilename actual value being passed function      url = url.replace("tempfilename", filename);      var redirectwindow = window.open(url, '_blank');      redirectwindow.location.reload(true);      return false;  } 


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