java - PrintWriter new line issue. Working fine in Eclipse -

basically have following method bit overkill know, i'm learning.....

public string showorder() {         string x = "";         x = "order summary: \n ";         (order order : orders) {             x += "    product id: " + order.getproductcode() + "    product description: " + order.getproductdesc() +                      "    order quantity: " + order.getquantity() + "    order cost: £" + order.getcost() + "\n ";          }         x += "total cost: "+ gettotalcost() + "p        number of orders: " + numoforders() + "     total products: " + numofproducts();         return x;     } 

this returning in test program i'd expect each order on own line.

 product id: 1...etcetc  product id  2...etcetc  product id  3...etcetc 

but, when create printwriter showorder() method prints out 1 long list in .txt. file.

printwriter cartreceipt = new printwriter("cart.txt");          cartreceipt.println(cart1.showorder());         cartreceipt.flush();         cartreceipt.close(); 

is there way make same method return nice orderly list in txt file in ide?

the issue \n not portable line ending. can use system.lineseparator() like

x += "    product id: " + order.getproductcode()         + "    product description: " + order.getproductdesc()         + "    order quantity: " + order.getquantity()          + "    order cost: £" + order.getcost() + system.lineseparator(); 

however, more efficient if streamed write operation printwriter (since don't seem use string except writing orders). pass printwriter writing method. like,

public void writeorder(printwriter pw) {     pw.println("order summary:");     (order order : orders) {         // note: if possible, move code order.tostring()         //       , use pw.println(order);         pw.print("    product id: ");         pw.print(order.getproductcode());         pw.print("    product description: ");         pw.print(order.getproductdesc());         pw.print("    order quantity: ");         pw.print(order.getquantity());         pw.print("    order cost: £");         pw.println(order.getcost());     }     pw.print("total cost: ");     pw.print(gettotalcost());     pw.print("p        number of orders: ");     pw.print(numoforders());     pw.print("     total products: ");     pw.println(numofproducts()); } 


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