javascript - Very long String in Google Fusion Tables -

i'm doing update query google fusion tables this:

    function updaterow(coulumnname, verylongvalue, rowid, tableid){         return new promise(function(resolve, reject){             var query = "update " + tableid + " set " + coulumnname + "='" + verylongvalue + "' rowid = '" + rowid + "'";             gapi.client.load('fusiontables', 'v1', function(){             gapi.client.fusiontables.query.sql({sql:query}).execute(                 function(response){                     // success , reject checks.                 });             });         });     } 

the function works when verylongvalue not long, when use long strings it, make whole query lenght ~6000, ~20000 characters long, error message:

"a network error occurred, , request not completed."

as per this answer previous question, seems query limit around 2048 characters.

is there way go around limit?

as extra, fusion tables can handle cells way longer strings in them this. 1 can upload long values directly on gui , gets uploaded , accessible download api , normal queries.


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