Trying to import an audio file in my java application: misplaced construct(s) -

i have followed tutorial on importing wav file application. not know if have placed file url in right place :

public class audioapp extends japplet {     public class sound // holds 1 audio file     {         private audioclip song; // sound player         private url songpath; // sound path         sound(string filename)         {             try             {                 songpath = new           url(getcodebase(g:\uni\programming\rolling assignements\week0\programming week21),filename); // sound url                 song = applet.newaudioclip(songpath); // load sound             }             catch(exception e){} // satisfy catch         }         public void playsound()         {             song.loop(); // play         }     } } 

the error is:

"multiple markers @ line - syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s) - syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens"

where place url, want play specific workplace folder , not usb stick, put name of file instead of whole path. have tried both don't work.

any help?


sorry not noticing @ first glance..

  • first: url needs string constructor argument, not have done (notice double quotes around argument. also, see getcodebase() function )
  • second: seem inexperienced, wise memorize \ character, backslash used escape characters, in cases, when used in string constants, has escaped, doubling up.

    songpath = new url(getcodebase("g:\\uni\\programming\\rolling assignements\\week0\\programming week21"),filename);

even better use file.separator static field...

also, having empty "satisfy catch" block in there, if colleague, i'd hit heavy object, while shouting obscenities @ you. use e.printstacktrace(), or proper logging framework. teachers won't hit this, can give bad marks...


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