html - play framework Multiple forms with checkbox fields with the same name attribute -

i have form have multiple smaller forms inside it. smaller forms have same type of fields. have 2 checkbox fields in each of smaller forms name= "timeoftheday". 1 checkbox has value "morning". other 1 has value "evening". forms name "timeoftheday" same, 1 value out of forms getting selected. 1 selection done @ time in overall form field.

also cant change name of field as, in play model, using same model forms, mapping name.

please suggest solution this.

my main model:

public class details {     //default customers     public string timeoftheday;      public integer cost;      public string day;      //customized details each customers     public customform customdetails[]; } 

customform is:

public class customform {     public string timeoftheday;      public integer cost; } 

defaultform template:

//these params sending while rendering file controllers @(id: long, detailsform : form[models.settings.details], isedit: boolean)  <div class="col-md-2 text-left min-size-label removepadding">   <span>day</span> </div>  <div class="col-md-10 removepaddingleft">   @input(detailsform("day"), 'class -> "form-control col-xs-12 formfield ") </div>  <div class="col-md-2 text-left min-size-label removepadding">   <span>cost</span> </div>  <div class="col-md-10 removepaddingleft">   @input(detailsform("cost"), 'class -> "form-control col-xs-12 formfield ") </div>                    <div class="col-md-10 text-left min-size-label removepadding">   <span><b>time of day</b></span> </div>  <div class="col-sm-12">   @inputradiogroup(     detailsform("timeoftheday"),     options(enums.timeofdayenum.timeofdaymap()),     'name -> "timeoftheday",     'class -> "timeoftheday"   ) </div> 

customform template:

@(id: long, customdetailsform : form[models.settings.customform], isedit: boolean)  <div class="col-md-2 text-left min-size-label removepadding">   <span>cost</span> </div>  <div class="col-md-10 removepaddingleft">   @input(customdetailsform("cost"), 'class -> "form-control col-xs-12 formfield ") </div>  <div class="col-md-10 text-left min-size-label removepadding">   <span><b>time of day</b></span> </div>  //options fetched enums <div class="col-sm-12">   @inputradiogroup(     customdetailsform("timeoftheday"),     options(enums.timeofdayenum.timeofdaymap()),     'name -> "timeoftheday",     'class -> "timeoftheday"   ) </div> 

both forms have same timeoftheday named radio button field. can have many customform in single page. have same name using same model. how make selection each of forms individually.


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