c# - ASP MVC 5 and Web Api 2 can't view page on complete links -

i have 2 controllers, 1 mvc , 1 web api 2. latter seems work correctly, first can't display html pages when write full address.

this simple routeconfig.cs

routes.maproute(     name: "default",         url: "{controller}/{action}",         defaults: new {             controller = "base",             action = "main"         }     ); ) 

let's take default example, controller base , action main, code straightforward

public actionresult main() {     return view(); } 

http://localhost/miapps --> work , display content of /view/base/main http://localhost/miapps/base --> work , display content of /view/base/main http://localhost/miapps/base/main --> doesn't work, error is

{"message":"no http resource found matches request uri 'http://localhost/miapps/base/main'.","messagedetail":"no type found matches controller named 'base'."}

i post webapiconfig.cs, maybe there interaction?

config.maphttpattributeroutes();     config.formatters.jsonformatter.supportedmediatypes.add(new mediatypeheadervalue("text/html"));     config.routes.maphttproute(         name: "defaultapi",         routetemplate: "{controller}/{action}",         defaults: new {             //id = routeparameter.optional         }     ); } 

the route api controllers should have prefix (usually '/api/') in order make distinction ordinary controllers.

try updating webapiconfig.cs this:

config.maphttpattributeroutes();     config.formatters.jsonformatter.supportedmediatypes.add(new mediatypeheadervalue("text/html"));     config.routes.maphttproute(         name: "defaultapi",         routetemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}",         defaults: new {             //id = routeparameter.optional         }     ); } 


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