javascript - API Thumbnail Image returns TypeError: cannot read "url" of undefined -

i'm using nyt api in order grab thumbnail/image of article. i'm getting cannot read property "url" of undefined error of images. here's screenshot terminal.


since said "url" undefined, decided check (in function) whether image source returned undefined:

var prefix = "http:\/\/\/"; var src = prefix + data.multimedia[2].url; if(!src || src == undefined) { src = "img/img-nyt.png"; } else { imgsource = src; } console.log(imgsource); 

but i'm not sure why still return undefined because if is, image source should changed img-nyt.png.

here's sample json request:

"results": [     {         "multimedia":[             {                 "url":"http:\/\/\/images\/2016\/01\/20\/us\/20michigan-web\/20michigan-web-thumbstandard.jpg",                 "height":75,                 "width":75,             },             {                 "url":"http:\/\/\/images\/2016\/01\/20\/us\/20michigan-web\/20michigan-web-thumblarge.jpg",                 "height":150,                 "width":150,             },             {                 "url":"http:\/\/\/images\/2016\/01\/20\/us\/20michigan-web\/20michigan-web-articleinline.jpg",                 "height":127,                 "width":190,             }         ]     } ] 

and here's function entire function gets values json:

// makes request , displays news based on results     function searcharticles(term) {         viewing.innerhtml = term;         term = term.replace(/ /g, "+");         searchurl = "" + term + "&api-key=" + searchapi;         var prefix = "http:\/\/\/";         maindivtoappendto.innerhtml = null;         $.getjson(searchurl, function(api) {             var = 0;    {                 link = data.web_url;                 var src = prefix + data.multimedia[2].url;                 if(!src || src == undefined) { src = "img/img-nyt.png"; }                 else imgsource = src;                 console.log(imgsource);                 cardtitle = (data.headline.main.length > 43) ? data.headline.main.substring(0, 43) + " .." : data.headline.main;                 postedby = "in " + data["section_name"];                 i++;                 createcardelements();             });             numberofposts.innerhtml = + " results";         });     } 

i can't seem figure out what's wrong this. maybe i'm missing obvious. hope can ..

here's entire: sample url at:

instead of checking if data.multimedia[0].url == undefined needed check if data.multimedia[0] == undefined.

i still getting error because trying url undefined object , did magic.


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