javascript - How to add multiple files into a array and access files one by one in AngularJs -

i trying add multiple files file array , later on access each files in far have created custom directive read files looking @ working fine single file.but requirement want upload multiple files , add them array , later on access created file array when accessing data.i newbie angularjs please me achieve this.

html code snippet

    <div class="input input-file  ">          <span class="button"><input on-read-file="readfilecontent($filecontent)"      type="file" id="attachments" name="file" data-ng-model="attachments"      onchange="this.parentnode.nextsibling.value = this.value">browse</span> <input type="text" placeholder="attach files" readonly="">  </div> 

custom directive read input files

var mimetype,filename; testmodule.directive('onreadfile', function ($parse) {      return {         restrict: 'a',         scope: false,         link: function(scope, element, attrs) {             var fn = $parse(attrs.onreadfile);              element.on('change', function(onchangeevent) {                 var reader = new filereader();                  reader.onload = function(onloadevent) {                      scope.$apply(function() {                         fn(scope, {$});                     });                  };                   reader.readastext((onchangeevent.srcelement ||[0]);                  //get uploaded file mime type                  mimetype=(onchangeevent.srcelement ||[0].type;                 filename=(onchangeevent.srcelement ||[0].name;              });         }     }; }); 

read file content method

 $scope.readfilecontent = function($filecontent){     $scope.content = $filecontent;           }; 

i suggest check post on stackoverflow:

upload multiple files in angular

one of answers contains working example:

it uses directive named ng-file-model:

<input type="file" ng-file-model="files" multiple /> 


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