Perl pattern extraction from file -

i have text file :

name : first   file name : first_1   year : 12   etc   etc   etc   t1 : t1   t2 : t2   t3 : t3   conclusion : success   name : first   file name : first_2    year : 13   etc   etc   etc   t1 : t1   t2 : t2   t3 : t3   conclusion : success  name : second   file name : second_1   year : 12   etc   etc   etc   t1 : t1   t2 : t2   t3 : t3   conclusion : failure   name : first   file name : first_3   year : 12   etc   etc   etc   t1 : t1   t2 : t2   t3 : t3   conclusion : success  

and on.....

i need perl script gives me following output:

naming  file_name  year  conclusion  reason   first   first_1    12    success     t1, t2, t3     first   first_2    13    success     t1, t2, t3    second  second_1   12    failure     t1, t2, t3   first   first_3    12    success     t1, t2, t3  

the following need. reads file parse stdin. other array of lines.

#!/usr/bin/perl  use strict;  $naming = ""; $file_name = ""; $year = ""; @reason = (); $conclusion = "";  print "naming\tfile_name\tyear\tconclusion\treason\n"; while (my $line = <stdin>) {   $line =~ /conclusion : (\w+)/ , {     $conclusion = $1;      print "$naming\t$file_name\t$year\t$conclusion\t" . join(", ",@reason) . "\n";     $naming = "";     $file_name = "";     $year = "";     @reason = ();     $conclusion = "";   };    $line =~ /name : (.*)/ , $naming = $1;   $line =~ /file name : (.*)/ , $file_name = $1;   $line =~ /year : (\d+)/ , $year = $1;   $line =~ /t\d : (.*)/ , push(@reason,$1); } 


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