.net - Execute powershell scripts through nuget command line -

i made native package includes native dlls. package sqlservercompact.4.0.8852.1.nupkg.

when install package through gui 'manage nuget packages ...', fine , native dll copied debug/release folder. copying native dlls done script similar in sqlsercompact.

and have following .bat file automate packaging procedure of myproject:

..\..\tools\nuget\bin\nuget.exe install myproject\packages.config -o packages\ ..\..\tools\nuget\bin\nuget.exe install myprojecttest\packages.config -o packages\ ..\..\tools\nuget\bin\nuget update myproject.sln msbuild /m /p:configuration=release /p:platform="x64" myproject.sln ..\..\tools\nuget\bin\nuget pack myproject.nuspec 

the above script runs myproject.nupkg (compiling needs .net dlls). nuget install not execute copy script in dependency packages -- compiling myprojecttest fine, when executing exe there no native dll in debug/release folder.

my question why powershell script not executed when installing packages command line? , how deal it? thanks!

it not supported nuget.exe. there discussion on codeplex , there issues, have been closed, raised in issue tracking system. there blog post david ebbo problems supporting feature.

the general problem within powershell script can use visual studio object model able expose outside of visual studio , support scenarios non-trivial.

i looked @ supporting running of powershell scripts outside visual studio using sharpdevelop experiment see possible. quite heavyweight solution since requires sharpdevelop work , not nuget.exe.


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