mvc 5 - SignalR C# MVC Mapping Anonymous User to Client ID -

question: how manage anonymous users multiple tabs in single browser updated when hub sends out response?

the scenario follows:

i integrate signalr project anonymous users can live chat operators. user's have authenticated iidentity mapped via client.user(username) command. anonymous user browsing , can not send messages tabs connectionid. 1 tab gathers response.

i have tried using iwc patch tool doesn't account saving chat information database , think passing variables via ajax isn't secure way read/write database.

i have looked in following: managing signalr connections anonymous user

however creating base such , using sessions seems less secure owin.

i had idea use client.user() creating false account each time user connects , delete when disconnect. rather not fill aspnetusers db context garbage accounts seems unnecessary.

is possible use userhandler.connectedids.add(context.connectionid); map fake username? im @ loss.

would make sense use iuserid provider?

public interface iuseridprovider {     string getuserid(irequest request); } 

then create database stores ip addresses connectionids , single usernames?


users: fk connection ids

|userid|username|ip       |connectionids| |   1  | user1  ||  1          | |   2  | user2  ||  2          | 


|connectionid|signalrid|connectionids| |      1     | xx.x.x.x|     1       | |      2     ||     2       | |      3     | xx.xxxxx|     2       | |      4     | xxxxx.xx|     2       | 

then possibly write logic around connection?

public override task onconnected()     {      if(context.identity.username != null){       //add connection based on logged in user.       }     else{      ///save new user database?      }    } 

but question still remains how handle multiple tabs when sending command on websocket?

update clear, intent create live chat/support tool allows in browser anonymous access @ times.

the client wants similar

i have created javascript plugin sends , receives hub, regardless of domain on. (my client has multisites) missing piece puzzle simplest, managing anonymous users allow multi-tabbed conversations.

a solution adopted make user register kind of id connection , on onconnected.

 public override task onconnected()         {             clients.caller.register();               return base.onconnected();         } 

and user returns call kind of own id logic

from clients register method

 public void register(guid userid)     {         s_connectioncache.add(userid, guid.parse(context.connectionid));     } 

and keep user ids in static dictionary ( take care of locks since need thread safe;

static readonly iconnectioncache s_connectioncache = new connectionscache(); 


 public class connectionscache :iconnectioncache {     private readonly dictionary<guid, userconnections> m_userconnections = new dictionary<guid, userconnections>();     private readonly dictionary<guid,guid>  m_connectionstousersmapping = new dictionary<guid, guid>();     readonly object m_userlock = new object();     readonly object m_connectionlock = new object();     #region public       public userconnections this[guid index]          =>          m_userconnections.containskey(index)         ?m_userconnections[index]:new userconnections();      public void add(guid userid, guid connectionid)     {         lock (m_userlock)         {             if (m_userconnections.containskey(userid))             {                 if (!m_userconnections[userid].contains(connectionid))                 {                      m_userconnections[userid].add(connectionid);                  }              }             else             {                 m_userconnections.add(userid, new userconnections() {connectionid});             }         }               lock (m_connectionlock)             {                 if (m_connectionstousersmapping.containskey(connectionid))                 {                     m_connectionstousersmapping[connectionid] = userid;                 }                 else                 {                         m_connectionstousersmapping.add(connectionid, userid);                 }             }      }      public void remove(guid connectionid)     {         lock (m_connectionlock)         {             if (!m_connectionstousersmapping.containskey(connectionid))             {                 return;             }             var userid = m_connectionstousersmapping[connectionid];             m_connectionstousersmapping.remove(connectionid);             m_userconnections[userid].remove(connectionid);         }        } 

a sample call register form android app

 mchathub.invoke("register", prefutils.my_user_id).get(); 

for js kind of same

 chat.client.register = function () {     chat.server.register(some_user_id); } 


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