gitlab - git submodule in stage - how to remove? -

i have items "archive" label in gitlab web interface:

enter image description here

problem local repo have real files in directory:

enter image description here

i can't push changes directory remote server. tried remove yii2-rbac remote server:

git rm --cached path/to/yii2-rbac 

but didn't work, after next push, mysterious file same name 'yii2-rbac' appears again...

how can fix it?

update: have taken account comments , realized deal submodules:

git ls-files --stage | grep $160000  160000 3fc4af92c20ca2bf97bf01a50819565b5a6fe621 0   path/to/yii2-migration-utility 160000 c6d315a3c9652b3b1ced19fe105f65e6e09f375b 0   path/to/yii2-rbac 

one question: how can delete these submodules , start using path/to/yii2-rbac usual directory?

i found solution works me. in main git repo:

rm -rf path/to/child/.git 

will remove "submodule" status directory (but files still remains). in gitlab interface directory looks common folder:

enter image description here


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