java - How to use text-search in mongo-spring aggregate -

how translate simple mongo shell $match phrase, it's equivelent in mongo-spring in java - using aggregation?

$match: { $text: { $search: "read" } }  

spring-data has inbuilt support text search.

i have used following dependency :

<dependency>     <groupid></groupid>     <artifactid>spring-data-mongodb</artifactid>     <version>1.8.2.release</version> </dependency> 

try following syntax :

textcriteria criteria = textcriteria.fordefaultlanguage().matchingany("read");  query query = textquery.querytext(criteria);      list<klass> list = mongotemplate.find(query, klass, "collection_name"); 

for more detail refer this.

to same in aggregation use following syntax :

basicdbobject match = new basicdbobject("$match",                  new basicdbobject("$text", new basicdbobject("$search", "cost")));  list<dbobject> aggregationlist = new arraylist<dbobject>(); aggregationlist.add(match);  aggregationoutput aggregationoutput = mongotemplate.getcollection("categorymaster")         .aggregate(aggregationlist);  list<dbobject> dbobjects = (list<dbobject>) aggregationoutput.results(); 

convert dbobjects in klass below :

for(dbobject dbobject : dbobjects) {     mongotemplate.getconverter().read(klass, dbobject); } 


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