java - When I generated release APK with proguard I am getting errors -

how resolve error?

warning:com.parse.parseokhttpclient: can't find referenced class com.squareup.okhttp.headers  warning:com.ocpsoft.pretty.time.web.jsf.prettytimeconverter: can't find referenced class javax.faces.context.facescontext  warning:exception while processing task please correct above warnings first.  error:execution failed task ':project1:transformclassesandresourceswithproguardforrelease'.<br> please correct above warnings first. 

add file in project:

-keep class com.squareup.** {*;} -dontwarn com.squareup.** -keep class com.ocpsoft.** {*;} -dontwarn com.ocpsoft.** 


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