javascript - Getting "Maximum call stack size exceeded error" using protractor -

im getting "maximum call stack size exceeded error" intermittently.

i saw few posts says possible reason due recursion

i have 3 files

1) conf.js 2) mainspec.js 3) page1.js 

calling "mainspec.js" "conf.js"

suites: {          spec1 : '../specs/mainspec.js'     },  global.url = ''; 


page1= require('../pages/page1.js');     describe('samplespec', function () {          beforeeach(function () {              browser.ignoresynchronization = true;             console.log('+++++++++before each++++++++');         });         aftereach(function () {             console.log('+++++++++after each++++++++');         });          it('mysampcode', function () {             //login              page1.getloginpage(url);             .             .             .      });     }); 


  module.exports = {          getloginpage: function (appurl) {             browser.get(appurl);             browser.driver.manage().window().maximize();         },     }; 

when execute proctractor conf.js cmd prompt below error.

enter image description here

mostly launch url , continues execution, few times throwing "maximum call stack size exceeded error", im unable resolve issue.


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