localization - Using ".stringsdict" file with 'localizedStringWithFormat' --> Are NUMERALS localized for you? -

i trying produce following localized string:

"in ___ day(s)" --> (ex: in 5 days)

to accomplish this, i've gone down .stringsdict route:

<key>in %d days</key>     <dict>         <key>nsstringlocalizedformatkey</key>         <string>%#@days@</string>         <key>days</key>         <dict>             <key>nsstringformatspectypekey</key>             <string>nsstringpluralruletype</string>             <key>nsstringformatvaluetypekey</key>             <string>d</string>             <key>zero</key>             <string>today</string>             <key>one</key>             <string>in %d day</string>             <key>other</key>             <string>in %d days</string>         </dict>     </dict> 

i use following, obtain localized string:

nsinteger days = ...; localizedduedatestring = [nsstring localizedstringwithformat:nslocalizedstring(@"in %d days", @"indicates days"),abs(days)]; 

this correctly outputs string accounts plurality. example:

in 1 day in 4 days 

i wondering if "1" , "4" here localized correct. other languages, arabic example, have different symbols numerals. expect above string use symbol "٤" instead of "4", arabic.

i know can accomplished using nsnumberformatter, how can accomplish numeral localization while respecting plurality visa vi .stringsdict file?


numerals appear correctly swapped when using .stringsdict file in coordination "localizedstringwithformat" method!

i switched ipad language arabic, , output for

in 1 day 


١ day in  

i don't have arabic localization done yet, "in" , "day" english, numeral appears correctly localized. no need nsnumberformatter


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