ruby on rails - Displaying has_many through association as column in Active Admin index -

how display list of has_many_through associations association column headings , through: value entry in table row?

i have 3 models:

class jobs    attr_accesor :title     has_many :scores    has_many :factors, through: :scores  end   class scores    attr_accesor :score     belongs_to :job    belongs_to :factor  end   class factor    attr_accesor :name    has_many :scores    has_many :jobs, through: :scores  end  

i want able show, in jobs index, row each job, title of each factor column heading, , scores of each job value in cell.

i expect have in app/admin/jobs.rb file:

index |jobs|   column :title   jobs.scores.each |score|     column( { |score| score.score }   end end 

and output this:

job              |  education  |  experience  |  leadership  |  ...  | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ceo              |     600     |     720      |     580      |  ...  | admin assistant  |     210     |     200      |     150      |  ...  | 

but activeadmin doesn't seem jobs.scores.each line, giving me following error:

undefined method `scores'  #<activeadmin::views::indexastable::indextablefor:0x00000104d1dad0> 

if understand data correctly think work. can each on 1 line, if doesn't work map or collect. can chain each , map. ensure you're using compact don't hit nils. below i'm assuming equal each column should named , data filled in.

 index |jobs|   column :title   column "education" |job| { |score| score if == "education"  }.compact   end   column "experience" |job| { |score| score if == "experience"  }.compact   end end 


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