- How do I do a custom modelbinder when binding from body? -

i've been trying experiment model binding make our api easier use. when using api can't model binding bind when data in body, when part of query.

the code have is:

public class funkymodelbinder : imodelbinder {     public bool bindmodel(httpactioncontext actioncontext, modelbindingcontext bindingcontext)     {         var model = (funky) bindingcontext.model ?? new funky();          var hasprefix = bindingcontext.valueprovider                                       .containsprefix(bindingcontext.modelname);         var searchprefix = (hasprefix) ? bindingcontext.modelname + "." : "";         model.funk = getvalue(bindingcontext, searchprefix, "funk");         bindingcontext.model = model;         return true;     }      private string getvalue(modelbindingcontext context, string prefix, string key)     {         var result = context.valueprovider.getvalue(prefix + key);         return result == null ? null : result.attemptedvalue;     } } 

when looking @ valueprovider property on bindingcontext see querystringvalueprovider , routedatavalueprovider think means if data in body won't it. how should this? support posting data either json or form-encoded.

i looking well.

webapis model binder comes 2 built in valueproviders.

querystringvalueproviderfactory & routedatavalueproviderfactory

which searched when call


this question has code on how bind data body.

how pass result model object out of system.web.http.modelbinding.imodelbinder. bindmodel?

you create custom valueprovider well, better idea - searched value matching key. above link within model binder, limits modelbinder looking in body.

public class formbodyvalueprovider : ivalueprovider {     private string body;      public formbodyvalueprovider ( httpactioncontext actioncontext )     {         if ( actioncontext == null ) {             throw new argumentnullexception( "actioncontext" );         }          //list out form body values         body = actioncontext.request.content.readasstringasync().result;     } 

//implement interface , use code read body , find value matching key }


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