python - Access google docs using gspread -

i trying access google docs using gspread utility , successful when tried below code on google doc

import gspread         g = gspread.login('gmailid', 'password') worksheet ='googlesheetname').get_worksheet(0)           val = worksheet.cell(2, 1).value        print val 

but when tried same code corporate account uses google server, getting below error:

  raise authenticationerror("unable authenticate. %s code" % ex.code) gspread.exceptions.authenticationerror: unable authenticate. 500 code 

can please me on this?

see author of gspread says here:

two factor authorization

in case google account protected 2 factor authorization, have create application-specific password , use email login usual.

otherwise authenticationerror: unable authenticate. 403 code when trying login.


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