javascript - Testing Angular Factory with Jasmine is not working -

i'm new jasmine. i've written simple code execute in js fiddle working fine. but, when include jasmine code, not working. missing here?

var app = angular.module('sortmodule', []) app.factory('sortfactory', function(){     var sortedcolors = [] var shouldpush = true; return {     sortcolors: function(colorsarray){         var colorsorder = [{color:'green'},{color:'yellow'},{color:'blue'},{color:'red'}]             for(color in colorsorder) {         for(objcolor in colorsarray)     {             shouldpush = colorsorder[color].color === colorsarray[objcolor].color ? true : false           if(shouldpush) {sortedcolors.push(colorsarray[objcolor]);}          }       }       return sortedcolors;     } }                }); app.controller('sortcontroller', function($scope,sortfactory){         $scope.colorsarray = [{id: '1',color: 'red',code : '#ff0000'},{id: '2',color: 'blue',code : '#0000ff'},{id: '3',color: 'red',code : '#ff0000'},{id: '4',color: 'yellow',code : '#ffff00'},{id: '5',color: 'green',code : '#00ff00'}];     $scope.sortedcolors = sortfactory.sortcolors($scope.colorsarray)  });  describe('colors', function () {      beforeeach(module('sortmodule'));     it('can actual sorted ordered colors list', inject(function(sortfactory) {     expect(sortfactory).tobedefined(); }));     });  var not_implemented = undefined;  // load jasmine htmlreporter (function() {   var env = jasmine.getenv();   env.addreporter(new jasmine.htmlreporter());   env.execute(); }()); 

actual working fiddle without jasmine

new fiddle when jasmine included 

test code contains module function


this function ngmock module, need include external resource.


working example here:,output

(i used jsbin better show dependencies , order)

some notes:


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