c# - How to concat long SMS in GSMComm Library? -

here code:

according page createconcattextmessage method returns array type smssubmitpdu[] but, when try send sendmessages messageserviceerror 500. missing?

       smssubmitpdu[] pdu2;          try{             pdu2 = smartmessagefactory.createconcattextmessage("my name barry allen. , fastest man alive. when child saw mother killed impossible. father went prison murder.", "+639234597676");             comm.sendmessages(pdu2);         }          catch (messageserviceerrorexception e500){             messagebox.show(e500.tostring(), "information", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.exclamation);         }         catch (commexception e501){             messagebox.show(e501.tostring(), "information", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.exclamation);         } 

your code should looks this:

gsmcommmain comm=new gsmcommmain(/*set option here*/);  string txtmessage="your long message..."; string txtdestinationnumbers="your destination number";  //select unicode option checkbox or other control bool unicode = chkunicode.checked;  smssubmitpdu[] pdu = smartmessagefactory.createconcattextmessage(txtmessage, unicode, txtdestinationnumbers); commsetting.comm.sendmessages(pdu); 


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