java - How to integrate two applications using single sign on -

i having .net/java application (application1) in have integrate service have on application (application2) has been designed using java , important thing user logged in application1 should maintained in appliation2.

i know cas authentication can used solution not sure how can achieved if idea on kindly share.

cas best choice token based single sign on purpose , secured 1 also. cas available .war file format, need deploy server tomcat, cas work centralized authentication system. applications .net/ java have import cas client libraries, , xml configurations login , logout , redirection purpose. same 1 have repeat other application (app2) also.

based on requirement may first application parent 1 cas related token tables need implement in parent application db. in case second application level no need check password, cas authenticate token generetd first application.

if want cas should parent application in cas user data base should have login details of users username , password ect. once cas login done, have provide buttons or links open other applications, using cas client libraries other applications authenticate if user name there in data base.

for example refer :


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