java - loadPolicyFile doesnt work in AS3 -

(im bad in english try good explain)

i got client socket in as3 , server in java. in localhost, got no problem connect client , server. can exchange data no problem line :

socket.connect("", 2030); 

its ok, server can receive byte[] data , can read , write client no problem.

but want past server "online" open port 2030 connection , 82 port, , try read crossdomain.xml autorized, :

security.loadpolicyfile(""); socket.connect("", 2030); 

now when im start connection ... have got problem security.loadpolicyfile

im getting on java server : connection reset 

and in client as3 (in french):

connexion au serveur.... vous etes connecté au serveur

avertissement :la balise non valide est ignorée pour le domaine '' dans le fichier de régulation présent à

socket error: [ioerrorevent type="ioerror" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventphase=2 text="error #2031: erreur de socket. url:"] // sur cause "connection reset" on java

my code in crossdomain.xml :

 <?xml version="1.0"?> <!doctype cross-domain-policy system ""> <cross-domain-policy>     <allow-access-from domain="" to-ports="*"/>     <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all" /> </cross-domain-policy> 

i dont know problem ...

it's http server , , path of crossdomain.xml.

the client can read xml said "marker" isnt good, ignore marker ("balise" in french). plan open port 843 on http server ? or java server ?


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