android - what is wrong with this piece of code?i am getting "null pointer exception".code is about drawing route on map -

this question has answer here:

private string getmapsapidirectionsurl() {      string origin;     string destination=string.valueof(l.longitude)+","+string.valueof(l.latitude);     origin=string.valueof(longitude)+","+string.valueof(latitude);    // string url = ""+ output + "?" + params;     string url=""+origin+"&destination="+destination+"&sensor=false";     return url; } 

i getting nullpointerexception. know not able identify causing it. assuming outside method correct, wrong syntactically?

this entire code:

package autogenie.maptrial;   import android.manifest; import android.content.context; import; import; import android.location.address; import android.location.geocoder; import android.location.location; import android.location.locationlistener; import android.location.locationmanager; import android.os.asynctask; import android.os.bundle; import android.os.handler; import android.os.message; import; import; import android.util.log; import android.view.view; import android.widget.button; import android.widget.edittext; import android.widget.toast;  import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;  import org.json.jsonobject;  import; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.hashmap; import java.util.list; import java.util.locale;  public class mainactivity extends fragmentactivity implements locationlistener,googlemap.onmarkerdraglistener {     private double latitude, longitude;     public googlemap googlemap,googlemap1;     locationmanager locationmanager;     button addressbutton;     placeautocompletefragment fragment;     latlng l;       @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);         supportmapfragment supportmapfragment =                 (supportmapfragment) getsupportfragmentmanager().findfragmentbyid(;         googlemap = supportmapfragment.getmap();          googlemap.setmaptype(googlemap.map_type_normal);         googlemap.setmylocationenabled(true);         addressbutton = (button) findviewbyid(;         fragment = (placeautocompletefragment) getfragmentmanager().findfragmentbyid(;          string url = getmapsapidirectionsurl();         readtask downloadtask = new readtask();         downloadtask.execute(url);           locationmanager = (locationmanager) getsystemservice(context.location_service);         locationmanager.requestlocationupdates(locationmanager.gps_provider, 0, 0, this);         if (activitycompat.checkselfpermission(this, manifest.permission.access_fine_location) != packagemanager.permission_granted && activitycompat.checkselfpermission(this, manifest.permission.access_coarse_location) != packagemanager.permission_granted) {             // todo: consider calling             //    activitycompat#requestpermissions             // here request missing permissions, , overriding             //   public void onrequestpermissionsresult(int requestcode, string[] permissions,             //                                          int[] grantresults)             // handle case user grants permission. see documentation             // activitycompat#requestpermissions more details.             return;         }           addressbutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view arg0) {                  edittext edittext = (edittext) findviewbyid(;                 string address = edittext.gettext().tostring();                  geocodinglocation locationaddress = new geocodinglocation();                 locationaddress.getaddressfromlocation(address,                         getapplicationcontext(), new geocoderhandler());                 l= getlocationfromaddress(getapplicationcontext(), address);                 markeroptions a=new markeroptions().position(l);                  marker m=googlemap.addmarker(a);                 m.setposition(l);                 }            });            fragment.setonplaceselectedlistener(new placeselectionlistener() {             @override             public void onplaceselected(place place) { // handle selected place             }              @override             public void onerror(status status) { // handle error             }           });        }       public latlng getlocationfromaddress(context context,string straddress) {          geocoder coder = new geocoder(context,locale.getdefault());         list<address> address;         latlng p1 = null;          try {             address = coder.getfromlocationname(straddress, 1);             if (address == null) {                 return null;             }             address location = address.get(0);             location.getlatitude();             location.getlongitude();              p1 = new latlng(location.getlatitude(), location.getlongitude() );          } catch (exception ex) {              ex.printstacktrace();         }          return p1;     }       private class geocoderhandler extends handler {         @override         public void handlemessage(message message) {             string locationaddress;             switch (message.what) {                 case 1:                     bundle bundle = message.getdata();                     locationaddress = bundle.getstring("address");                     break;                 default:                     locationaddress = null;             }             toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(),locationaddress,toast.length_long).show();         }     }        @override     public void onlocationchanged(location location) {         if (location == null) {             latitude = 28.608426;             longitude = 77.225168;         } else {             longitude = location.getlongitude();             latitude = location.getlatitude();         }          string s = "longitude:" + longitude + "latitude:" + latitude;         log.i("current location", " latlong value" + s);          googlemap.addmarker(new markeroptions()                 .position(new latlng(latitude, longitude))                 .title("hello world"));           /*cameraupdate center =                 cameraupdatefactory.newlatlng(new latlng(latitude,                         -longitude));         cameraupdate zoom = cameraupdatefactory.zoomto(10);          googlemap.movecamera(center);         googlemap.animatecamera(zoom);*/      }       @override     public void onstatuschanged(string provider, int status, bundle extras) {      }      @override     public void onproviderenabled(string provider) {      }      @override     public void onproviderdisabled(string provider) {      }      @override     public void onmarkerdragstart(marker marker) {      }      @override     public void onmarkerdrag(marker marker) {      }      @override     public void onmarkerdragend(marker marker) {      }     //dfg      private string getmapsapidirectionsurl() {            // string url = ""+ output + "?" + params;         string url=""+l+"&destination="+latitude+","+longitude+"&sensor=false";         return url;     }        private class readtask extends asynctask<string, void, string> {         @override         protected string doinbackground(string... url) {             string data = "";             try {                 httpconnection http = new httpconnection();                 data = http.readurl(url[0]);             } catch (exception e) {                 log.d("background task", e.tostring());             }             return data;         }          @override         protected void onpostexecute(string result) {             super.onpostexecute(result);             new parsertask().execute(result);         }     }      private class parsertask extends             asynctask<string, integer, list<list<hashmap<string, string>>>> {          @override         protected list<list<hashmap<string, string>>> doinbackground(                 string... jsondata) {              jsonobject jobject;             list<list<hashmap<string, string>>> routes = null;              try {                 jobject = new jsonobject(jsondata[0]);                 pathjsonparser parser = new pathjsonparser();                 routes = parser.parse(jobject);             } catch (exception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }             return routes;         }           @override     protected void onpostexecute(list<list<hashmap<string, string>>> routes) {         arraylist<latlng> points = null;         polylineoptions polylineoptions = null;          // traversing through routes         (int = 0; < routes.size(); i++) {             points = new arraylist<latlng>();             polylineoptions = new polylineoptions();             list<hashmap<string, string>> path = routes.get(i);              (int j = 0; j < path.size(); j++) {                 hashmap<string, string> point = path.get(j);                  double lat = double.parsedouble(point.get("lat"));                 double lng = double.parsedouble(point.get("lng"));                 latlng position = new latlng(lat, lng);                  points.add(position);             }              polylineoptions.addall(points);             polylineoptions.width(2);             polylineoptions.color(;         }           googlemap.addpolyline(polylineoptions);     }  }     class geocodinglocation {      private static final string tag = "geocodinglocation";     public  string result1,result2;      public  void getaddressfromlocation(final string locationaddress,                                               final context context, final handler handler) {         thread thread = new thread() {             @override             public void run() {                 geocoder geocoder = new geocoder(context, locale.getdefault());                 string result = null;                 try {                     list                             addresslist = geocoder.getfromlocationname(locationaddress, 1);                     if (addresslist != null && addresslist.size() > 0) {                         address address = (address) addresslist.get(0);                         stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();                         sb.append(address.getlatitude()).append("\n");                         sb.append(address.getlongitude()).append("\n");                         result = sb.tostring();                     }                 } catch (ioexception e) {                     log.e(tag, "unable connect geocoder", e);                 } {                     message message = message.obtain();                     message.settarget(handler);                     if (result != null) {                         message.what = 1;                         bundle bundle = new bundle();                         result = "address: " + locationaddress +                                 "\n\nlatitude , longitude :\n" + result;                         bundle.putstring("address", result);                         message.setdata(bundle);                     } else {                         message.what = 1;                         bundle bundle = new bundle();                         result = "address: " + locationaddress +                                 "\n unable latitude , longitude address location.";                         bundle.putstring("address", result);                         message.setdata(bundle);                     }                     message.sendtotarget();                 }             }         };         thread.start();     }   } } 

stack trace:

fatal exception: main java.lang.nullpointerexception @<init>(unknown source) @ source) @ @ android.os.binder.transact( @$zza$zza.addpolyline(unknown source) @ source) @ autogenie.maptrial.mainactivity$parsertask.onpostexecute( @ autogenie.maptrial.mainactivity$parsertask.onpostexecute( @ android.os.asynctask.finish( @ android.os.asynctask.access$600( @ android.os.asynctask$internalhandler.handlemessage( @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( @ android.os.looper.loop( @ @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method) @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( @$ @ @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) 01-21 12:24:35.291 3683-3683/autogenie.maptrial i/process: sending signal. pid: 3683 sig: 9 

one of variables(l, latitude, longitude) null since place might cause exception valueof calls.


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