c# - Azure Search SDK Create DataSource -

i've been created datasource azure search sdk.

the datasource azure sql view.

i tyr setting datachangedetectionpolicy , datadeletiondetectionpolicy, can't understand how set 2 property.

when think 2 property doesn't supported on preview sdk,so try use rest api solve this.

i read article: msdn create data source (azure search service rest api)

and use chrome extension postman set data change detection policies.

url : https://domain.search.windows.net/datasources/temp1?api-version=2015-02-28

body :

{      "@odata.type" : "#microsoft.azure.search.highwatermarkchangedetectionpolicy",     "highwatermarkcolumnname" : "modifieddatetime"  }  

then 400 bad request .

error message:

 {    "error":    {    "code": "",    "message": "the request invalid. details: datasource : incompatible type kinds found. type 'microsoft.azure.search.highwatermarkchangedetectionpolicy' found of kind 'complex' instead of expected kind 'entity'.\r\n"   }  } 

so,i have 2 questions.

1.is sdk not support function now?

2.with rest api , how solve error?

thanks reply.

based on official article, way create datasource sql integration views is:

{      "name" : "myazuresqldatasource",     "type" : "azuresql",     "credentials" : { "connectionstring" : "connection string" },     "container" : { "name" : "table or view name" },      "datachangedetectionpolicy" : {        "@odata.type" : "#microsoft.azure.search.highwatermarkchangedetectionpolicy",        "highwatermarkcolumnname" : "[a row version or last_updated column name]"    } } 


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