c++ - Improving Time Hackerrank [terminated due to timeout] -

i've created code based of information given me below.

"the first line have integer n denoting number of entries in phone book. each entry consists of 2 lines: name(either first-name or first-name last-name) , corresponding phone number.

after these, there queries. each query contain name of friend. read queries until end-of-file."

also if name not found supposed print "not found"

the problem on hackerrank.com , cant submit because program "terminated due timeout"

can please me improve code , make run faster?! barely figured out how make run i'm out of ideas on how improve it.

#include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std;  class number{     public:     string name;     string lname;     long number; };  class phonebook{     public:     void findnumber(){         string tempname;         while (cin >> tempname){             int nf=0;             for(int i=0; < phonenumbers.size(); i++){                 if (tempname == phonenumbers[i].name){                     cout << phonenumbers[i].name << "=" << phonenumbers[i].number << endl;             }             else {                 nf +=1;             }         }         if (nf == phonenumbers.size()){cout << "not found" << endl;}     } }  void addnumber(int entries){     for(int numbers = 0; numbers < entries; numbers++){         number newcontact;         long num;         cin >> newcontact.name;         cin >> num;         if (!cin){             cin.clear();             cin >> newcontact.lname >> newcontact.number;             }         else{             newcontact.number = num;         }         phonenumbers.push_back(newcontact);     } }  private: string pbname; vector<number> phonenumbers; };   int main(){     int entries;     cin >> entries;     phonebook myfriends;     myfriends.addnumber(entries);     myfriends.findnumber();     return 0; } 


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