config.xml file of Magento extension -

i got below code in config.xml file of magento extension.

<admin>     <routers>         <brandlogo>             <use>admin</use>             <args>                 <module>mconnect_brandlogo</module>                 <frontname>brandlogo</frontname>             </args>         </brandlogo>     </routers> </admin> 

i know <frontname> tag is?

all magento extensions expose controller routes need define frontname. in particular example, it's adminhtml controller, , frontname "brandlogo".

this means if go /index.php/admin/brandlogo/index magento admin router route request mconnect_brandlogo's indexcontroller, i.e. mconnect_brandlogo_indexcontroller::indexaction.

if <area> frontend rather admin, how define frontend (customer facing) routes.

please aware way of configuring admin routes deprecated. there security issues found (such type in "" , shown admin login page), , have been replaced "new way" of routing admin modules:

<admin>     <routers>         <adminhtml>             <args>                 <modules>                     <mconnect_brandlogo before="mage_adminhtml">mconnect_brandlogo_adminhtml</mconnect_brandlogo>                 </modules>             </args>         </adminhtml>     </routers> </admin> 

using configuration you'd store controllers under adminhtml folder of "controllers", e.g.:

# file: app/code/community/mconnect/brandlogo/controllers/adminhtml/indexcontroller.php  class mconnect_brandlogo_adminhtml_indexcontroller extends mage_adminhtml_controller_action {    // ... } 

for more information, have @ ridiculousness caused magento supee-6788 security patch last year.


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