java - Android Multiple image upload not send data to server -

hello working android . want send multipart data server contains text , mulltiple images. can able send 1 image send server. used code

for(int i=0;i<captured_imagepath.size();i++)                 {                      file file2 = new file("my folder path" + captured_imagepath.get(i));                       entitybuilder.addbinarybody(file2.getname(), file2, contenttype.create("image/jpeg"), captured_imagepath.get(i));                      entitybuilder.setboundary(boundary);                   } 

where captured_imagepath array list of image names in folder.i tried print sending data file , works fine in case when send 1 image, if used more 1 image, means if captured_imagepath has size >1 not print sending data , image not send there problem code ? stucked problem. please me in advance :)

you can try this

   `    ( int i= 0; < size ; i++ ){      try {     file file = new file("my folder path" + captured_imagepath.get(i));      inputstreamentity reqentity = new inputstreamentity(             new fileinputstream(file), -1);     reqentity.setcontenttype("binary/octet-stream");     reqentity.setchunked(true); //to send in multiparts     httppost.setentity(reqentity) ;     httpclient.execute(httppost); // can catch httpresponse here     } catch ( exception e ) { e.printstacktrace() ; }     }` 

where file file var.


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