java - MOXy DynamicEntity with JSON? -

i'm trying use dynamicentity unmarshal simple json, , it's totally bombing on me. docs rather sparse, possible this? i'm doing this;

jaxbcontext jaxbcontext = jaxbcontext.newinstance(dynamicentity.class); dynamicentity entity = (dynamicentity) jaxbcontext.createunmarshaller().unmarshal(entitystream); 

this straight xml docs here:

and get; caused by:

com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.illegalannotationsexception: 1 counts of illegalannotationexceptions org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.dynamicentity interface, , jaxb can't handle interfaces.     problem related following location:         @ org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.dynamicentity 

has managed work? i'm trying avoid building pojos since backend store doesnt care them anyway, want deserialize generic object , pass along. in .net i'd use dynamic i'm pretty stumped on how moxy.

in order dynamicentity, neccessary use dynamicjaxbcontext. can configured using following in file:


or can use dynamicjaxbcontextfactory directly.

although dynamic moxy not require java classes bindings (the pojos), need provide binding metadata when creating context. can xsd or binding.xml describes mapping. instead of creating context using jaxbcontext.newinstance(dynamicentity.class), need use alternative methods - see links below.

see example here (using xsd):

or more complex example using binding.xml , json:


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