javascript - Property dependencies on object attributes -

i'd use property dependencies avoid dirty checking on computed properties. since properties on computed property depends no primitives attributes of object don't know how make work.


import {computedfrom} 'aurelia-framework';  export class person {     persondata = {         firstname: 'john',         lastname: 'doe',         // more attributes...     }      // ...      // doesn't work:     @computedfrom('persondata.firstname', 'persondata.lastname')     // neither does:     // @computedfrom('persondata["firstname"], 'persondata["lastname"]')     // nor:     // @computedfrom('persondata')     fullname() {         return `${this.persondata.firstname} ${this.persondata.lastname}`;     }      // ... } 

the @computedfrom attribute add support expressions- keep eye on

a word of caution- overusing @computedfrom (eg @computedfrom(p1.p2.p3, p4.p5, p6, p7, p8)) end being less performant dirty-checking. there's tradeoff between one-time setup of observers vs continuous function evaluation dirty-checking- mileage may vary.

another option use with binding in view , bind object props directly:

<span with="persondata">${firstname} ${lastname}</span> 

last not least, there's aurelia-computed plugin can parse getter function bodies , produce observer doesn't use dirty-checking:


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