npm - Error while installing xml2json using node.js -

i tried install xml2json package node.js gives me error.

error below :enter image description here

my system configuration below :

node.js version - v5.4.1

npm version - 3.3.12

operating system - windows 10 64 bit

python - 2.7.11(set environment variable )

after installing microsoft windows sdk v7.1 gives me below error.

enter image description here

after added package.json below error given.

enter image description here

you have explicitly specify platform toolset when building msbuild ( triggered node-gyp rebuild) . try command below, prior running npm:

call "c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.1\bin\setenv.cmd" /release /x64 

see meaning of passed arguments below, setenv.cmd usage:

/release - create release configuration build environment

/x64 - create 64-bit x64 applications

additional explanations

npm install xml2json require using windows sdk under hood build projects, while installing packages, msbuild. have faced situation windows sdk configuration isn't compatible required node.

configuring windows sdk command prompt window section:

if not have visual studio 2010, can use windows sdk command prompt window , setenv utility configure application build settings.

so suggestion use setenv utility fix problem ...

other ways fix problem

msbuild uses vctargetspath property, cannot located because registry lacks key.

check whether key exists , points proper path

  1. launch regedit navigator hklm\software\microsoft\msbuild\toolsversions\winsdkversion
  2. inspect vctargetspath key. value should "$(msbuildextensionspath64)\microsoft.cpp\winsdkversion\"

if key doesn't exists or has wrong value, fix problem steps below:

  1. launch regedit navigator hklm\software\microsoft\msbuild\toolsversions\winsdkversion
  2. add string key vctargetspath key
  3. set value "$(msbuildextensionspath64)\microsoft.cpp\winsdkversion\"

winsdkversion == v4.0 (looks that's value of winsdk version), replace winsdkversion v4.0.


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